Join our Paranormal Team

Thank you for showing interest in joining our team. Please read the following information carefully to ensure you fully understand before you apply.

We do not make money or pay team members. It’s a hobby. You do not need experience, just interest, a desire to learn as much as possible, and a fearless attitude. You will not enjoy ghost hunting if you are too scared to investigate.

Ghost Hunting is an expensive hobby and a huge time commitment!

Each investigation we conduct can cost from $50 to $150 per person. The acquisition of equipment can be a significant investment, depending on what you want to purchase. In addition to this, reliable transportation and fuel expenses are necessary to reach various locations. Some sites may be located a few hours away, requiring additional costs for meals and accommodations. It is important to consider these financial commitments as we are looking for dedicated individuals who are willing to make a long-term commitment. Our investigations are conducted exclusively on weekends only.

Throughout each year, we aim to explore 3-6 locations. Our active months typically fall between April and November. Many of the locations we investigate are abandoned structures, can involve a lot of walking and climbing steps, and lack heating or air conditioning. The potential exists for injuries, but with proper caution and common sense, you are safe.

If we accept you as a team member, you will need your own equipment. The type of equipment you choose is up to you. You can spend a lot or a little. We can suggest the equipment we like and believe to be reliable, and sometimes cheaper options. As time goes on, you can certainly obtain more as you like. Everyone uses their own equipment, although some will be shared as a group so you will not need to worry about.

Locations have to be rented and vary in cost. So do the hours you can investigate, but it is typically late at night between the hours of 5 pm and 4 am and always on weekends. We try to plan the year in January as soon as the holidays are over. To get a location, you have to pay many months in advance. Having a flexible schedule and being able to make decisions and choices quickly is a must.

We usually meet up for a meal before a hunt, discuss our plan, and often take snacks if it is long hours. We have to bring our own water as well.

Everyone on the team has a job, and of course, our natural skills are considered. We try to be flexible and diplomatic. We don’t have “dues” or any fees to pay to the team. We all cover our own costs. We are respectful at all locations, clean up after ourselves, and try to make a good impression. We are not interested in being on YouTube, being famous, or having a show. Our main goal is to investigate, capture evidence, and have fun.

Hunts can be slow and boring. Sometimes, you can spend hours sitting around, walking around, and not have a single piece of evidence and no personal experiences. This is when we often goof around and get a little silly. But it’s all in good fun. There are many ways to enjoy a ghost hunt, but it is not like TV Shows, where it is edited to appear as if experiences are happening continually. It requires a creative and analytical mind, patience, and certain skills. Most of us learn as we experience things.

We try to debunk as many of the claims and experiences as possible. Without a critical analysis, we cannot call something evidence.
Checking files/evidence is a bit tedious, but it is a must to do relatively quickly before the next hunt. Organization is important, and knowing how to operate your computer and learning different software or apps is essential. Again, we can advise you and assist you with this. Most software we use is free. Things like USB drives are needed for storage.

We have a very detailed “application” because we want to learn more about you. It’s important to have people who blend well. Please be thorough in your response. We do not rush the process. Everyone must feel comfortable and safe with one another. We will get to know you slowly, first by phone and email, then we’ll want to meet in a public place a few times with you.
We always accept applications, even when we do not need new team members. We keep applications for at least a year. Sometimes, we only need alternates.

The most important thing is that we don’t automatically accept everyone. We selectively pick people based on how we feel they can blend within our group. This is extremely important because we all work closely together. Not everyone is a fit, and not everyone is automatically accepted. Experience is great if you have it, but it is not guaranteed to get you on the team.

Here is a link to our Application

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